23/01/2025 – As of the start of February, we will be changing our hours for the foreseeable future.
We will be opening three evenings a week, Monday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night from 18:00 – 20:00.
This is to allow people who are working during the week until 16:30/ 17:00 to visit us after they finish work. In doing this, it will allow us to serve more people and being able to take more time out side of the norm to help customers with issues they may be having with their airsoft replicas, purchasing the required accessories and consumables they need, in addition to replicas.
Still not free during the evenings? Not a problem, we will also be keeping our Saturdays open, however we will be going down to 2 or 3 Saturdays a month. This gives us some down time, but at the same time serving customers and players that still don’t have that time in the week.